(A)   Whenever any condition described in this chapter is found to exist on any premises, the owner of the premises shall be notified by the Clerk in writing to correct the condition within ten days after the notice. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with the notice. (‘88 Code, § 10.206)
   (B)   The notice shall be served on the owner to whom it is directed or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the owner at his last known post office address. In the event personal service cannot be made and the owner’s address is unknown, the notice shall be given by publication at lease two times within 15 consecutive days in a local newspaper of general circulation. (‘88 Code, § 10.207)
   (C)   (1)   In the event the owner of any lot or premises, upon which a condition described in this chapter exists, fails to remedy the condition within ten days after notice to do so is given, the city may do the work or make the improvements as are necessary to correct, remedy or remove the condition, or cause the same to be done, pay and charge the expenses incurred thereby to the owner of the lot.
      (2)   The doing of the work shall not relieve the person from prosecution for failure to comply with the notice. The expenses shall be assessed against the real estate upon which the work was done or the improvements made but shall be reasonable.
      (3)   The owner shall have the right of appeal to Council.
(‘88 Code, § 10.208)
Penalty, see § 10.99