For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADEQUATE SHELTER. That shelter which will keep a non-aquatic animal dry, out of the direct path of winds, out of direct sun, and at a temperature that is healthful for the animal. The containment area for the animal shall be free of accumulated waste and debris so that the animal shall be free to walk or lie down without coming in contact with waste or debris; shall be free of unsanitary conditions which results in offensive odors or is dangerous to the animal or to public health, welfare or safety; and shall be free of ticks and fleas. A suitable method of drainage shall be provided to rapidly eliminate any excess water or moisture. Aquatic and semi-aquatic animals shall have an adequate amount of clean water in which to move. For animals outside and unattended as defined herein, adequate shelter shall meet the following minimum standards:
      (1)   The shelter shall be a waterproof and wind-proof structure of suitable size to accommodate the animal and allow retention of body heat. It shall be made of durable material with a solid, waterproof floor raised at least three inches from the ground. A shelter shall not be constructed of metal or any material that readily conducts heat or cold.
      (2)   The structure must have a windbreak at the entrance. The structure shall be provided with a sufficient quantity of suitable, clean bedding material to provide insulation and protection against cold and dampness and promote retention of body heat.
      (3)   All animals must be afforded one or more separate areas of shade large enough to accommodate the entire body of the animal at one time to ensure protection from the direct rays of the sun. A doghouse is inadequate protection from the sun.
   DOG OWNER. Any person owning, keeping, having charge of, sheltering, feeding, harboring or taking care of any dog. (‘88 Code, § 3.201)
   RUNNING AT LARGE. All dogs found upon any of the public streets, highways or public places or upon private property owned by persons other than the owner or custodian of the dog shall be deemed to be running loose or to be at large within the meaning of this subchapter. (‘88 Code, § 3.202)
(Am. Ord. 22-10-01, passed 10-18-22)