(A)   Definitions.
      COMMUNITY CAT. Any free-roaming cat, which may or may not be feral, with a caretaker known or unknown. COMMUNITY CATS shall be distinguished from other cats through their ear-tip and sterilization. These cats are exempt from stray and at-large provisions of this subchapter.
      EAR-TIPPING/EAR-TIPPED. The straight line cutting of the tip of one ear of a cat, while the cat is anesthetized to indicate the cat has been sterilized and vaccinated. The left ear is the universally accepted practice; although in the past a cat’s right ear may have been tipped.
   (B)   Community cats shall be allowed in the city as long as all of the following requirements are met:
      (1)   Cat must be spayed or neutered.
      (2)   Cat must be vaccinated for rabies.
      (3)   Cat must be ear-tipped.
   (C)   A person caring for community cats shall not be considered the owner of those cats.
   (D)   Eligible community cats may be sterilized, vaccinated, ear-tipped and returned to the location where they were found at the discretion of the animal shelter personnel.
   (E)   The Human Society of Marlboro County shall be the designated shelter and will develop rules and regulations for the program.
(Ord. 22-10-01, passed 10-18-22)