(A)   Every person driving a vehicle of any kind which strikes or hits any person or another vehicle shall stop the vehicle at once and render the assistance as he can, give his name, post office address, license number and serial number of his vehicle to the other person or driver and shall assist in calling a police officer and remain at the scene until a police officer arrives. ('88 Code, § 18.509)
   (B)   The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in an injury to or the death of any person or total property damage to an apparent extent of $50 or more shall, within 24 hours after the accident, forward a report of the accident to the Police Department, which report may be a copy of the accident report required to be filed with the state under S.C. Code § 56-5-1270. The Police Chief may require any driver to file supplemental reports whenever, in his opinion, the original report is insufficient and also may require witnesses of accidents to render reports to him. ('88 Code, § 18.510)