(A)   The volume of flow used in determining the total discharge of nondomestic wastewater shall be based upon:
      (1)   Metered water consumption, as shown in the records of meter readings maintained by the city. If a person discharging wastewater into the public sewers produces evidence to the control authority that more than 15% of the total annual volume of water used for all purposes does not reach the public sewers, then an estimated percentage of total water consumption to be used in determining nondomestic wastewater into the public sewers based upon adequate comparison data between the actual metered wastewater discharged and metered water consumption for a relevant period of time determined by the control authority.
      (2)   At the individual discharger's option, other flow measuring devices, which measure the actual volume of wastewater discharged to the sewer. The devices shall be accessibly and safely located, and the measuring system, as specified by the control authority, shall be installed in accordance with plans approved by the control authority.
      (3)   The metering system shall be installed and maintained at the owner's expense.
      (4)   Individual dischargers that have installed flow measuring devices to measure the actual volume of wastewater flow, shall, at the owner's expense, provide the control authority a certificate of calibration of the device(s) by a city-approved instrumentation service company and at a frequency determined by the city.
   (B)   Where any person discharging wastewater to the sanitary sewer who procures all or any part of his water supply from sources other than the city, the person discharging the wastewater shall install and maintain at his expense, meters of a type approved by the control authority for the purposes of determining the proper volume of wastewater discharged to the sewers.
(Ord. 16-04-001, passed 4-19-16)