(A)   Levels of drought, as set forth in the South Carolina Drought Response Act of 1985, are classified as moderate, severe and extreme.
   (B)   Proclamations shall coordinate an appropriate response to the level of drought which exists. Proclamations setting forth responses to the various drought alert phases shall be based upon drought monitoring data, recommendations, declarations and/or notifications supplied by the regional Drought Response Committee or the South Carolina Water Resources Commission.
      (1)   Moderate drought alert phase. When conditions indicate that a moderate drought condition is present, and is expected to persist, the Water Resources Commission will activate the Drought Information Center. It will notify the City Council by certified mail and issue press releases concerning the drought conditions to the news media.
         (a)   Goal. The goal of this phase is:
            1.   A 15% voluntary water use reduction for agricultural, commercial, industrial, institutional and electric power generation purposes; and
            2.   A 30% voluntary water use reduction for residential customers.
         (b)   General responses.
            1.   Issue a public notice of drought conditions of water supply and demand in a local newspaper of general circulation which shall include a list of nonessential water uses as provided in § 55.03;
            2.   Institute an increased water supply system maintenance effort to identify and correct water leaks; and
            3.   Encourage water customers to comply with the listed voluntary water use restrictions in all categories, while moderate drought conditions exist.
         (c)   Water use restrictions.
            1.   Agriculture, irrigation and livestock, implement conservation techniques, explore different water saving methods and use alternative sources;
            2.   Commercial, industrial and institutional, reduce aesthetic, domestic, landscaping and water-based recreational activities such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities;
            3.   Electric power generation;
            4.   Residential:
               a.   Reduce water use to 75 gallons per person per day, and a maximum of 300 gallons per household per day; and
               b.   Reduce domestic, landscaping and water-based recreational activities such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities.
      (2)   Severe drought alert phase. A drought of this severity usually requires an official declaration and implementation of mandatory water use restrictions by the S.C. Water Resource Commission. In such cases, the Commission will notify City Council and issue press releases concerning the drought conditions to the news media.
         (a)   Goal. The goal of this phase is:
            1.   A 15% water use reduction for agricultural, commercial, industrial, institutional and electric power generation purposes;
            2.   A 30% water use reduction for residential customers.
         (b)    General responses.
            1.   Issue a public notice of drought conditions of water supply and demand in a local newspaper of general circulation which shall include a list of water use curtailment measures; and
            2.   Require water customers to comply with the listed water use restrictions in all categories while severe drought conditions exist.
         (c)   Water use restrictions.
            1.   Agriculture, irrigation and livestock.
               a.   Implement conservation techniques, explore different water saving methods and use alternative sources; and
               b.   Restrict irrigation use from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and prohibit water run-off.
            2.   Commercial, industrial and institutional.
               a.   Prohibit aesthetic water use;
               b.   Reduce domestic water use to minimum levels necessary for maintaining health and safety;
               c.   Limit water-based recreational activities to new facilities that require filling such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities;
               d.   Use low-volume hand-held applications only and prohibit sprinklers, other remote broadcast devices and water run-off in landscape design and maintenance; and
               e.   Restrict landscape watering to Wednesday and Saturday for odd numbered address and Thursday and Sunday for even numbered addresses.
            3.   Electric power generation;
            4.   Residential.
               a.   Restrict water use to 75 gallons per person per household per day, and a maximum of 300 gallons per household per day;
               b.   Limit water-based recreational activities to new facilities that require filling such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities;
               c.   Use low-volume hand-held applications only and prohibit sprinklers, other remote broadcast devices and water run-off in landscape design and maintenance; and
               d.   Restrict landscape watering to Wednesday and Saturday for odd numbered addresses and Thursday and Sunday for even numbered addresses.
      (3)   Extreme drought alert phase. The S.C. Water Resources Commission will notify City Council by certified mail and issue press releases concerning the drought conditions to the news media. Water use restrictions imposed during extreme drought conditions shall be mandatory.
         (a)   Goal. The goal of this phase is:
            1.   A 15% water use reduction for agricultural, commercial, industrial and electric power generation purposes; and
            2.   A 30% water use reduction for institutional and residential customers.
         (b)   General responses.
            1.   Issue a public notice of drought conditions of water supply and demand in a local newspaper of general circulation which shall include a list of water use curtailment measures; and
            2.   Require water customers to comply with the listed water use restrictions in all categories while severe drought conditions exist.
         (c)   Water use restrictions.
            1.   Agriculture, irrigation and livestock.
               a.   Implement conservation techniques, explore different water saving methods and use alternative sources; and
               b.   Restrict irrigation use from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and prohibit water run-off.
            2.   Commercial and industrial.
               a.   Prohibit aesthetic water use;
               b.   Reduce domestic water use to minimum levels necessary to maintain health and safety;
               c.   Prohibit water-based recreational activities that require filling such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities;
               d.   Use low-volume hand-held applications only and prohibit sprinklers, other remote broadcast devices and water run-off in landscape design and maintenance; and
               e.   Restrict landscape watering to Wednesday and Saturday for odd numbered address and Thursday and Sunday for even numbered addresses.
            3.   Electric power generation;
            4.   Institutional.
               a.   Prohibit aesthetic water use;
               b.   Reduce domestic water use to minimum levels necessary to maintain health and safety;
               c.   Prohibit water-based recreational activities that require filling such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities;
               d.   Use low-volume hand-held applications only and prohibit sprinklers, other remote broadcast devices and water run-off in landscape design and maintenance; and
               e.   Restrict landscape watering to Wednesday and Saturday for odd numbered address and Thursday and Sunday for even numbered addresses.
            5.   Residential.
               a.   Restrict water use to 55 gallons per person per day, and a maximum of 220 gallons per household per day;
               b.   Reduce domestic water use to minimum levels necessary to maintain health and safety;
               c.   Prohibit water-based recreational activities that require filling such as swimming pools, water slides and other related water activities;
               d.   Use low-volume hand-held applications only and prohibit sprinklers, other remote broadcast devices and water run-off in landscape design and maintenance; and
               e.   Restrict landscape watering to Wednesday and Saturday for odd numbered address and Thursday and Sunday for even numbered addresses.
(‘88 Code, § 17.704)