Along watercourses where a floodway has been established, the mapped floodplain areas are hereby divided into the two following districts: a floodway overlay district (FW) and a flood fringe overlay district (FF) as identified in the Flood Insurance Study dated April 16, 2013 and on accompanying FIRM panels as established in § 154.05. The flood fringe overlay district shall correspond to flood zones A, AE, A1-30, AH, AO, AR, A99, and floodway areas in Zone AE that are identified on FIRM panels. The floodway overlay district shall correspond to the floodway areas in Zone AE that are identified on the FIRM panels. Within these districts, all uses not meeting the standards of this chapter and those standards of the underlying zoning district shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 2023-1.1, passed 1-9-2023)