It shall be unlawful to engage in vending except in accordance with the following rules.
   (A)   A permittee engaged in vending shall have in full force and effect a permit issued by the City Clerk/Treasurer as herein provided; a sales tax permit from the state (or showing of exemption) and a permit issued by the Department of Agriculture of the state, as required by the state’s Pure Foods Act, being Neb. Rev. Stat. 81-2,239 et seq.
   (B)   A permittee shall vend only when the vendor’s truck is lawfully parked or stopped.
   (C)   A permittee shall vend only from the side of the vendor’s truck away from moving traffic and at the curb or edge of the roadway.
   (D)   A permittee shall not vend to a person standing in the roadway.
   (E)   A permittee shall not vend on a street unless there is a clear view of the vendor’s truck for a distance of 200 feet in each direction.
   (F)   A permittee shall not vend on state highways, or on streets where the speed limit exceeds 25 mph.
   (G)   A permittee shall not allow a vendor’s truck to stand in any roadway longer than four hours in any one location.
   (H)   A permittee shall not allow a vendor’s truck to park or stop for any period of time on or within 150 feet of a portion of a street or roadway which is adjacent to any school grounds during the period of time from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
   (I)   A permittee shall comply with all applicable local, county, and state noise ordinances, and shall use no loud or offensive device to attract customers.
(Ord. 2021-6.1, passed 6-14-2021) Penalty, see § 10.99