There is hereby established a Benewah County solid waste department which is subject to direct supervision by. the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners may delegate responsibility for the operation of the department to an employee selected by the board. Said employee shall be designated as Benewah County solid waste director and shall be responsible for the day to day operations of the Benewah County solid waste department under the supervision of the board of commissioners. The department shall be responsible for carrying out the terms of this chapter and for implementing the solid waste policies adopted by the board. The department shall perform such duties as are necessary to operate the waste disposal system in Benewah County. Said duties shall include maintaining liaison with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies on behalf of the board of county commissioners.
The scope of authority to be exercised by the board of county commissioners through creation of the solid waste department is intended to extend as far as allowed by the Idaho constitution and by the statutes empowered and requiring counties to be responsible for solid waste disposal within their jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, Idaho Code, title 31, chapter 44. (Ord. 2023-157, 10-23-2023)