(A)   Periodic test.
      (1)   Periodic test of elevators shall be made by the Building Commissioner or by an approved agency. Test shall be at the expense and responsibility of the owner.
      (2)   Where such tests are made by an outside agency a detailed report of the test is to be submitted to the Building Commissioner on approved forms not more than 30 days after completion of the test.
      (3)   Elevator repairs must be made to identified deficiencies within 30 days after periodic inspection.
   (B)   Periodic inspection. Periodic inspection shall be made at intervals of not more than six months for all man lifts and at intervals set forth in ASME. A17.1 listed in Chapter 35 of the International Building Code for elevators, dumbwaiters, freight elevators and chair lifts.
   (C)   Final certificate of inspection.
      (1)   The Building Commissioner shall issue a final certificate of compliance for each unit of equipment that has satisfactorily met all the inspection tests required by this section and Chapter 35 of the International Building Code and ASME. A17.1 Standard.
      (2)   Certification shall bear the signature of the person who made the inspection and test and shall designate rated load and speed, date of acceptance test and inspection and the name of the Building Commissioner who made or witnessed such test and inspection.
      (3)   Final certificate shall also include the necessary space for inserting the name of the person who made, the periodic inspection.
      (4)   Fee.
         (a)   The fee shall be $125 per elevator (passenger, freight, and chair lift). Payment shall be made to the Village of Bellwood, Office of the Building Commissioner, after each periodic inspection.
         (b)   The fee is due and payable within 30 days of receipt of the inspection bill.
(Ord. 20-08, passed 3-18-20)