(A)   Rank.
      (1)   The order of rank in the Police Department shall be as provided by ordinance and municipal budget.
      (2)   The order of rank in the Fire Department shall be as provided by ordinance and municipal budget.
   (B)   Classification. The Board classifies such offices in the Fire and Police Departments for the purpose of establishing and maintaining standards of examinations and promotions based upon job descriptions and departmental regulations.
   (C)   Oath of office.
      (1)   Before entering duty, any person about to become a member of the Police or Fire Department, shall take the following oath, before any person authorized to administer oaths in the State of Illinois:
      “I                         do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United
States, and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of
                              according to the best of my ability.
      Subscribed and sworn to before me this         day of                  , 20    
            NOTARY PUBLIC.”
      (2)   He or she shall enter into such bond in such amount as prescribed by the ordinance.
(Ord. 12-38, passed 10-17-12)