(A)   General. The Board, by its rules, shall provide for promotion in the Fire and Police Departments on the basis of ascertained merit and seniority in service and examination, and shall provide in all cases, where it is practicable, that vacancies shall be filled by promotion. All examinations for promotion shall be competitive among such qualified members of the next lower rank as desire to submit themselves to examination. All candidates for promotion must have successfully completed his or her probationary period, as of the date the written examination is administered, in order to test for the next higher rank. All promotions shall be made from the three individuals having the highest rating, and where there are less than three names on the promotional eligibility register, as originally posted, or remaining thereon after appointments have been made there from, appointments to fill existing vacancies shall be made from those names or the name remaining on the promotional register. The rule of three is inapplicable as to promotions to the rank of fire lieutenant. The sequence of testing for the position of fire lieutenant shall be as set forth within the Fire Department Promotion Act. The method of examination and the rules governing examinations for promotion are specified below. The Board shall strike off the names of candidates for promotional appointment after they have remained thereon for more than three years, provided there is no vacancy existing which can be filled from the promotional register. For the purpose of determining that a vacancy exists, the Board must have received notice from the appropriate corporate authorities to fill an existing vacancy prior to the date the name(s) are to be stricken from a promotional eligibility register. Each weighted component of the examination process shall be based upon a scale of one to 100.
      (l)   The final promotional examination score for promotions within the Police Department and Fire Department shall be determined as follows:
Weight Minimum
Passing Score
Written Exam
Oral Examination/Assessment Center
Department Merit & Efficiency (based upon a scale of 1 to 100-Maximum of 20 points.)
1/2 point per year of service, or part thereof on the Bellwood Police or Fire Department up to a maximum of 10 points.
* The minimum passing score, if any, will be announced by the Board prior to conducting the examination.
      (2)   In the event no candidate from the immediate next lower rank qualifies for promotion, the Board in determining next in order of rank in promotional examinations herewith determines a policy of extending the examination successively through all the orders of rank in the services in an endeavor to qualify suitable eligible or eligibles for the vacancy or vacancies existing before extending the examination to the general public.
      (3)   Candidates, who are otherwise qualified and have timely requested credit for prior military service, shall be granted veteran’s preference points as provided by state statute. Candidates for promotion must file, with the Board, a claim for veteran’s preference points within ten days of the date of the posting of the initial promotional eligibility register.
      (4)   A candidate’s total score shall consist of the combined scores of the merit/efficiency rating, written examination ,oral examination, and assessment center, plus seniority and veteran’s preference points. Candidates shall take rank upon a promotional eligibility register in the order of their relative excellence as determined by their total score. In the event of a tie score, the placement of the tied candidates’ names on the eligibility list shall be determined by lot, in the presence of a quorum of the Board, in whatever maimer the Board deems appropriate.
   (C)   Promotional vacancy. Upon notice from the appropriate corporate authority that a promotional vacancy exists, the Board shall select the individual to be promoted in the manner specified in division (A) above.
(Ord. 12-38, passed 10-17-12)