(A)   In order to insure fundamental fairness, compliance with the Act, and to protect the public interest, the Board, by majority vote of its members, may waive any of the above rules.
   (B)   A simple majority of the Board may, prior to receipt of a particular request hereunder, reduce the number of copies of such request, or particular portions thereof, which must be submitted hereunder. Such reductions may be granted upon the written motion of a person who has, pursuant to ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, § 39.2(b), filed a notice of intent to submit a request, which notice has also stated the applicant's intention to move for a copies reduction under this section. Such motion must be filed with the Clerk at least five calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The moving party must submit a certified copy of the notice of intent, and demonstrate that: compliance with the copies requirement hereunder will be inordinately expensive, without commensurate benefit to the village and the public; and that the proposed copies reduction will not work any fundamental unfairness on the village or the public, in their ability to review, and prepare for the hearing on, the request. The Board shall act upon the motion expeditiously and may act upon the request for copies reduction at its first regular meeting after filing of the motion.
(Ord. 10-47, passed 4-28-10)