§ 156.219 SIGN PACKAGES.
   (A)   Intent. The intent of the regulation of sign packages is to ensure that properties with multiple buildings, and buildings with multiple occupants or tenants, provide signage that is well designed and consistent throughout that building or property, while providing some flexibility in the design of the signs that are approved through a sign package.
   (B)   Process.
      (1)   Sign package review required. A sign package shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for its review and approval in accordance with this section, prior to issuance of any sign permit for the building, for (i) any newly constructed building that contains multiple storefronts with ground floor entrances or (ii) any existing building that contains multiple storefronts with ground floor entrances for which a building permit application has been submitted requesting approval of exterior facade improvements relating to all of the multiple storefronts with ground floor entrances.
      (2)   Sign package review voluntary. A sign package may be submitted to the Plan Commission for its review and approval in accordance with this section for (i) any property containing more than one building for which an application has been submitted requesting approval of more than one sign on that property; (ii) any property that has frontage along two or more streets for which an application has been submitted requesting approval of more than one sign on that property; and (iii) any multiple tenant building for which an application has been submitted requesting approval of more than one sign on that building.
   (C)   Contents of sign package. An application for approval of a sign package shall include details regarding the design and location of all proposed signs for which a sign permit is required. The sign package shall clearly define the areas of the building or property for which approval of a sign package is requested. At a minimum, the following details shall be provided in the application submittal for approval of a sign package:
      (1)   Sign design, material(s), anchorage, and support(s);
      (2)    Sign location(s);
      (3)   Sign color(s);
      (4)   Sign dimensions;
      (5)   Method of illumination;
   (D)   Standards. No sign package shall be approved by the Plan Commission unless the Plan Commission shall find that the sign package incorporates signage that is:
      (1)   Unified and consistent throughout the building or property; and
      (2)   Of a higher quality than would be otherwise required under the applicable sign regulations; and
      (3)   Compatible with the design and materials of the building or buildings, and consistent with the area surrounding the building or property.
   (E)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, an approved sign package shall govern the installation and maintenance of all signage requiring a sign permit on the building or property, or portion thereof, for which the sign package has been approved.
(Ord. 9-4, passed 2-25-09; Am. Ord. 19-11, passed 3-20-19) Penalty, see § 156.999