§ 37.09 BAIL.
   (A)   Any person authorized to issue a violation notice for alleged violations of the Municipal Code of Ordinances may require the defendant or respondent to post bail at the time the violation notice is served, if the violation notice is served by handing the violation notice to the defendant or respondent.
   (B)   Where bail is required to be posed, the bail shall be in the form of cash or a cash bond. For purposes of this section, CASH OR CASH BOND shall mean United States currency; traveler’s checks issued by major banks or express companies which, alone or in combination with currency total the exact amount required to be deposited as bail; and negotiable drafts on major credit card companies, under conditions approved by the Chief of Police or such person as may be designated by the Chief of Police to have the authority to approve or establish the conditions for the acceptance of negotiable drafts on credit card companies.
   (C)   Bail shall be $75 for offenses other than offenses related to the standing, stopping or parking of motor vehicles, under the Illinois Vehicle Code or similar provisions of the Bellwood Village Code that is a traffic regulation governing the movement of motor vehicles. No bail shall be requested for offenses related to the standing, stopping or parking of a motor vehicle.
(Ord. 8-78, passed 8-20-08)