(A)   Any person subjected to any unlawful practice as set forth in this chapter may file a complaint in writing to the Village Comptroller.
   (B)   The Village Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to receive complaints and conduct such investigations as he deems necessary pursuant to the authority vested in that office.
   (C)   Whenever it is determined by the Village Comptroller that there has been a violation of this chapter or any duly adopted rule or regulation of the village, the Village Comptroller is authorized, at its discretion, to commence with one or more of the following procedures:
      (1)   Attempt to conciliate the matter by conference or otherwise and secure a written conciliation agreement;
      (2)   Seek a written assurance of discontinuance which shall be signed by the developer and the Village Manager;
      (3)   Institute injunctive or other appropriate action or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction to obtain a restraining order, permanent or temporary injunction or any other appropriate form of relief; or
      (4)   Institute criminal proceedings.
   (D)   Nothing in this section shall prevent any person, including the village, from exercising any right or seeking any remedy to which such person might otherwise be entitled or from filing an appropriate complaint with a court of law or equity.
   (E)   If the developer fails to comply with any of the requirements of this chapter, the buyer may, at any time prior to the closing of the sale, rescind, in writing, the purchase contract, without any liability on the buyer's part and shall thereupon be entitled to the return of any deposits made on account of the contract.
(Ord. 7-56, passed 8-15-07)