§ 156.181 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CHILD CARE FACILITY. A building or structure in which an appropriate person or persons regularly provide home day care. CHILD CARE FACILITIES include any home day care facility regulated by the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services pursuant to the laws of the State of Illinois.
      (1)   The provision of supplemental parental care supervision in a residential environment:
         (a)   For a fee;
         (b)   For a non-related child or children;
         (c)   On a regular basis;
         (d)   For less than 24 hours a day; and
         (e)   Under license by the State of Illinois.
      (2)   Exemption: As used in this subchapter, the term, HOME DAY CARE, is not intended to include:
         (a)   Babysitting that is of a casual, non-recurring nature or which occurs in the child's own home; or
         (b)   Cooperative, reciprocal child care by a group of persons in their respective homes.
(Ord. 03-60, passed 11-26-03)