(A)   No person under the age of 21 years shall be allowed on the premises where an adult use is conducted.
   (B)   During the hours of operation of an adult use, there shall be present a manager or other employee responsible for the operation of the premises who shall not be under the age of 21 years.
   (C)   No adult use shall be located on premises for which any license to sell alcoholic liquor has been issued.
   (D)   No adult use shall be located within 300 feet of any property on which a pre-existing public or private school, place of worship, park or public playground is located or within 300 feet of any property zoned for any residence district (R1, R2, R3 and R4) or for any business district (B1 and B2). Such distances shall be measured along a straight line without regard to intervening structures or uses from the nearest property line of the adult use to the nearest property line of such pre-existing use or property zoned as a residential district or business district.
   (E)   Any adult use establishment which contains booths for individual viewing of books, magazines, pictures, videos, motion pictures or the like shall have a least one side of the booth open for view to an adjacent public room. Partitions comprising the other walls of the booths shall be solid with no apertures.
(`95 Code, § 156.142) (Ord. 92-34, passed 12-16-92) Penalty, see § 156.999