(A)   Generally. The drainage system for a property shall be designed to control the peak rate of discharge from the property for the 2-year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour events to levels which will not cause an increase in flooding or channel instability downstream when considered in the aggregate with other development properties and downstream drainage capacities. The peak discharge from events less than or equal to the 2-year event shall not be greater than 0.04 cfs per acre of property. The 100-year discharge shall not be greater than 0.15 cfs per acre of property.
   (B)   Small development sites. When the calculated allowable discharge for a development site is exceptionally small due to the small size of the site (that is, three acres or less), the Comptroller may allow a greater rate of discharge provided that the developer's engineer demonstrates that appropriate attempts had been made to develop a design for a discharge device which could be reasonably expected to function effectively without undue personal attention or maintenance efforts. In no case will discharge orifices less than two inches in inside diameter be required. Project engineers shall be expected to utilize, to the extent practicable, innovative and high-tech solutions for discharge facilities intended to minimize discharges for small site detention basins.
(Ord. 7-28, passed 5-9-07 ; Am. Ord. 8-70, passed 7-16-08)