Every owner or occupant of real estate within the village upon whose property there is located an elm tree infected with dutch elm disease or an ash tree infected with the emerald ash borer, shall remove the same immediately upon discovering it or be notified of it, by cutting the same down. The tree so cut down, together with all of its limbs, shall be cut into lengths not to exceed five feet and placed upon the parkway to be removed by the village. Upon so cutting the trees and placing them upon the parkway, the owner of said property shall notify the Building Department, in order that the same may be removed by the village or its designee. Every owner or occupant of real estate within the village shall trim or remove any and all trees and the limbs thereof on his or her property and on the abutting parkway at all such times as may be necessary to prevent the same from crossing property lines or overhanging or obstructing views along the sidewalk, parkway, street or highway, as the same shall be determined by the Building Department.
(Ord. 7-82, passed 12-19-07)