Every owner or occupant of real estate within the village shall cut the weeds and grass on his or her property and on the abutting parkway at all such times as may be necessary so that such weeds and grass shall not exceed six inches in height. Every owner or occupant of real estate within the village shall trim the bushes and shrubs on his or her property and on the abutting parkway at all such times as may be necessary to prevent the same from crossing property lines or obstructing the sidewalk, parkway, street or highway or otherwise become unsightly and unruly, as the same shall be determined by the Building Department. If such owner neglects or refuses to cut such weeds or grass so that such weeds or grass exceed six inches in height, or fails to trim bushes and shrubs in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, the village may cut the weeds or grass or trim the bushes and shrubs or authorize some person to do the same on behalf of the village.
(Ord. 7-82, passed 12-19-07)