It is hereby declared to be a public nuisance for any person, firm, corporation or any owner, agent, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of any lot, tract, parcel of land, building or other premises within the village or within its territorial jurisdiction to permit the growth upon any premises within the village of any noxious weeds, such as blue vervain, buckthorn, burdock, bull nettle, cockleburr, common milk weed, curled dock, dodders, field bindweed, giant foxtail, hoary cress, jimson weed, Johnson grass, lambsquarter, leafy spurge, marijuana or wild hemp, multiflora rose, purple loosestrife, ragweed, ox-eye daisy, poison ivy, thistle (bull, Canada, sowthistle or musk), quack grass, ragweed (giant, common, or western), Russian knapweed, rough pigweed, sweet clover, teasel, wild carrot, wild lettuce, wild garlic, wild mustard or like weeds having similar undesirable characteristics as determined by the Building Department or the Dean of the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. It shall be unlawful to permit any such weeds to grow or remain on property within the village.
(Ord. 7-82, passed 12-19-07)