Where residential property abuts an arterial roadway, screening and landscaping shall be provided as follows:
   (A)   Requirement. A continuous, solid (opaque) screen, at least six feet in height, shall be provided between the residential property and the entire length of the arterial street abutting the residential property.
   (B)   Screen materials. The screen may be made of plants (trees and shrubs) with berming, fencing, walls, or any combination thereof. Screening plants must provide a solid screen year round. If plants are used to provide the solid screen, they should be of such a size and species to provide the solid screen within five years, as determined by the Comptroller, or his or her designee.
   (C)   Trees and shrubs. If a fence or wall is used in whole or in part to provide the six foot solid screen, between the wall and/or fence and the arterial roadway, at least one tree for every 20 linear feet of wall or fence and one shrub for every seven linear feet of wall or fence shall be provided. The trees and shrubs shall be at least 50% evergreen, except in natural landscaping with prairie vegetation where only native trees and shrubs may be provided.
   (D)   Fences and walls. Fences and walls may not be put on a berm to achieve the six foot height.
(Ord. 7-5, passed 1-24-07)