(A)   Applicability. All parking lots designed for 20 or more parking spaces shall provide landscaping in accordance with the provisions of this section.
   (B)   Interior landscaping.
      (1)   Coverage. A planting island of at least 120 square feet in area, and at least seven feet in width, as measured back of curb to back of curb shall be provided for every 15 parking spaces. A permitted alternative is a continuous landscape island at least seven feet in width as measured back of curb to back of curb between parking rows. Both alternatives require a landscape island of at least 120 square feet at the end of each row of parking stalls. All landscape islands shall be crowned to allow for positive drainage.
      (2)   Landscape material.
         (a)   Type. The primary landscaping materials used in parking lots shall be trees which provide shade or are capable of providing shade. Shade trees, low growing shrubbery, and other plant materials may be used to supplement the tree landscaping, but shall not be the sole contribution to the landscaping. No tree branch shall be less than six feet above the ground.
         (b)   Quantity. One shade tree shall be provided for every 120 square feet of landscaping area in landscape islands, or one shade tree for every 40 linear feet of continuous island.
         (c)   Ground cover. A minimum of 50% of every interior parking lot landscaping area shall be comprised of landscaping. The ground cover of landscape islands shall be comprised of sod, ground cover or shrubs, except that in permitted natural landscaping, the landscaping may be comprised of native herbaceous perennial forbs and grasses not exceeding 24 inches mature height.
      (3)   Perimeter landscaping. Where parking lots are adjacent to a public or private street, the following shall apply:
         (a)   Screen. A solid screen, a minimum of three feet in height, shall be provided. The screen may be comprised of shrubs, or a combination of shrubs and berms. If shrubs are used, at least 50% shall be evergreen, except in permitted natural landscaping areas where only native shrubs are used.
         (b)   Trees. At least one tree for every 40 linear feet of parking lot adjacent to the street shall be provided between the parking lot and the street. One-third of these trees shall be shade trees at least two and one-half inches in diameter; one-third ornamental at least two and one-half inches in diameter; and, one-third evergreen at least six feet tall. These trees are in addition to parkway trees.
(Ord. 7-5, passed 1-24-07)