§ 99.085 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of these property grading and excavation requirements are to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the village by:
      (1)   Ensuring that the development of property occurs in a manner harmonious with adjacent land so as to minimize problems of drainage, erosion, earth movement, and similar hazards as well as visually unpleasant relationships.
      (2)   Ensuring that the planning, design, and construction of a development will be done in a manner which provides both maximum safety and human enjoyment, while making it as unobtrusive as possible.
      (3)   Ensuring, insofar as practical in permitting reasonable development of land and minimizing fire hazard, the maximum retention of natural vegetation to aid in protection against erosion, earth movement and other similar hazards.
      (4)   Reducing air pollution caused by dust blown from areas under development.
      (5)   Preventing the premature cutting of roads and building sites on in-fill property proposed for redevelopment.
   (B)   The requirements set forth in these property grading and excavation requirements shall be separate from the provisions set forth in §§ 99.060 through 99.083; provided, however that any activity that includes work in a public right-of-way and upon property shall be subject to all requirements set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 7-50, passed 7-18-07)