§ 71.150 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The Village of Bellwood has a desire to realize a decrease in accidents which are the result of drivers exceeding the speed limits in various targeted areas of the village.
   (B)   The village is desirous of implementing a system that imposes a monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure of an operator thereof to comply with the speed limits within the corporate limits of the village.
   (C)   The village is desirous of implementing a system that allows for the assessment of the monetary liability as a civil penalty and provide a means to appeal this penalty.
   (D)   The village has researched the availability of technology in furtherance of traffic speed enforcement that provides a fair and equitable documentation of the offense of speeding.
   (E)   The village is in the process of implementing a village-wide wireless camera system throughout the municipality to assure the community of a force extender capability for the law enforcement mission.
   (F)   The village is desirous of implementing the enforcement of speeding violations by means of an automated camera system.
   (G)   The village has reviewed a civil enforcement system for automated camera system violations and heretofore is desirous of adopting such system.
(Ord. 05-16, passed 7-20-05)