(A)   Established. There shall be a Firemen's Pension Fund established in the village, as provided by statute.
   (B)   Trustees of fund; term. The Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund shall consist of the following members: Village President, Village Clerk, Village Attorney, Chief of the Fire Department together with three persons who shall be elected from the members of the active Fire Department and one person who shall be elected from the retired firefighters, as provided by statute. The firefighters elected to the Board shall be elected on the third Monday of April for a term of three years.
   (C)   Sources of revenue. There shall be deposited in the Pension Fund the sums required by law, which shall include:
      (1)   Five per centum per month deducted from the salary of the active firefighters.
      (2)   One per centum of all revenues collected for engaging in business, except from public utilities.
      (3)   All fines collected for the violation of fire ordinances, the enforcement or collection of which is under the supervision of the Fire Department.
      (4)   All rewards made to the Fire Department.
      (5)   The proceeds of such tax as may be levied for the Firemen's Pension Fund.
      (6)   Revenues from foreign fire insurance companies pursuant to § 117.095.
(`95 Code, § 33.03) (Ord. 54-15, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 75-14, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 82-16, passed 6-23-82)