(A)   The Development Commission shall consist of seven members. Seven members shall be appointed by the Village President with the consent of the Board of Trustees. The Village President shall serve as a member and Chair. In making the appointments, the President shall designate one appointee to serve as Vice President and one to serve as Secretary of the Development Commission. The village shall make available to the Development Commission all clerical services necessary for the Development Commission to perform its duties.
   (B)   The term of office of each member shall commence on May 1 of the first year of appointment and expire on April 30 of the last year of appointment. In making the initial appointments to the Development Commission, the Village President shall designate three members for a two-year term and three members for a one-year term. The successors to the members of these terms shall be appointed for three-year terms. All vacancies occurring shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term and such appointment shall be made in the same manner as the original appointment.
   (C)   The appointed members of the Development Commission will serve on a voluntary basis without compensation. They shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses and advanced costs incurred by them in furthering the Development Commission’s business and duties. Prior to incurring expenses, all members of the Development Commission shall obtain approval for such expenses from the Village President and Board of Trustees. A receipt for all expenses must be submitted to the Village Comptroller, except for mileage expenses, which shall be reimbursed at the rate set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. All such requests to authorize expenses shall be submitted to the Comptroller or the Village President, who shall submit the request to the Village Board.
(Ord. 01-40, passed 11-14-01)