(A)   There is hereby established an Emergency Telephone System Board consisting of seven members who shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   One member of the Board shall represent the village residents, and the other six members shall be representatives of the public safety agency 9-1-1 users appointed on the basis of their ability and experience. The village resident member shall serve on the Board for a two-year term or until a successor is appointed and qualified.
   (C)   The representatives of the public safety agency users shall include the following:
      (1)   The Fire Chief and one representative of the Fire Department;
      (2)   The Police Chief and two representatives of the Police Department; and
      (3)   The Emergency Services Disaster Agency Director.
   (D)   The representatives shall serve for two-year terms or until their successors are appointed and qualified. All members shall serve without compensation. Reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses of Board members shall be made.
(`95 Code, § 32.90) (Ord. 91-7, passed 5-22-91)