§ 32.073 MEMBERSHIP.
   The Citizen's Advisory Council shall be comprised as follows:
   (A)   The Council shall consist of 15 members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   The members shall be from among residents of the village, representing a cross-section of the various social segments of the community.
   (C)   The members must be committed to the principles and purpose inherent in this subchapter and Chapter 94 of this code.
   (D)   The terms of appointment are to be for three years. All members currently serving shall continue with their appointments.
   (E)   No member shall serve more than two consecutive full three year terms except upon recommendation of the majority of the Council.
   (F)   At the discretion of the President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, up to five additional members of the Council may be appointed, each such member so appointed to serve a one-year term.
   (G)   A Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer with standard duties shall be elected by the members of the Council each year in June for one- year terms, with the Vice-Chairperson to succeed the Chairperson the following year.
   (H)   The Village Clerk serves on the Council and on all committees ex officio.
(`95 Code, § 32.73) (Ord. 89-8, passed 6-14-89)