§ 32.072 FUNCTIONS.
   In keeping with its purpose, the Citizen's Advisory Council shall have the following functions:
   (A)   The Council shall develop, coordinate and maintain an effective organization and effective procedures for communication of common concerns among the citizens and between the citizens and the governmental agencies of the village.
   (B)   The Council shall develop and maintain a continuing program of study and evaluation of the concerns, policies and programs affecting community relations in the village.
   (C)   The Council shall arrange monthly meetings with the President and Board of Trustees to recommend policies and programs to the village government as may be appropriate.
   (D)   The Council will serve as the Community Relations Commission in accordance with § 94.25.
(`95 Code, § 32.72) (Ord. 89-8, passed 6-14-89)
   For purpose and duties of Community Relations Commission, see Chapter 94