§ 32.048 MEETINGS.
   The following rules and regulations shall apply to the meetings of the Youth Commission:
   (A)   Commission meetings shall be held monthly.
   (B)   A quorum shall consist of three members. The vote of a majority of members present at any official meeting shall be required to take action on any motion.
   (C)   Any three members may call a special meeting, provided that five days' notice is given to all Commission members. The purpose of the special meeting must be specified in the call of the special meeting.
   (D)   Three consecutive absences at regularly scheduled Commission meetings or a total of four absences in any one year of appointment, without appropriate reason, shall constitute “failure to serve” and requires a replacement by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Village Board of Trustees.
   (E)   Minutes shall be kept at all regular and special sessions. In the absence of the Secretary, the Chairperson shall appoint a temporary secretary.
   (F)   It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to have the minutes of the preceding meeting at (or previous to) the next meeting. Minutes shall be placed on file.
   (G)   The typing, reproduction and dissemination of any other materials of the Youth Commission will be handled by the Commission Secretary.
   (H)   Meetings of the committees constituted under the Youth Commission shall be scheduled by the committee chairperson as required to carry out the work of the committee. Each committee must meet at least every six to eight weeks.
   (I)   Reports shall be presented by committees to the Commission at regular monthly meetings.
   (J)   Action shall be undertaken by a committee in the name of the Youth Commission only after discussion and approval by the Commission as a whole.
   (K)   With the consent of the Commission, committees may call on persons other than Commission members to serve as resource consultants.
   (L)   Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the procedures of the Commission.
(`95 Code, § 32.48) (Ord. 78-9, passed 9-13-78)