§ 32.047 MEMBERSHIP.
   The membership shall consist of nine members and shall be governed by the following rules:
   (A)   The Mayor shall appoint the Youth Commission Board members with the advice and consent of the Village Board.
   (B)   First consideration for appointment to the Commission shall be given to persons recommended by the Commission and/or agencies working for the welfare of youth in the village.
   (C)   A potential member of the Youth Commission Board shall participate with the Board in a volunteer capacity, (such as, on a subcommittee) for at least three months prior to official appointment.
   (D)   The potential member shall be brought before the President and the Village Board of Trustees for consideration two weeks prior to the end of the three-month period with appointment to the Commission taking place within three weeks after consideration.
   (E)   The term of each member shall be for one year. Members may be appointed for a second term on a renewal basis.
   (F)   The officers shall be the Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson and Secretary who shall be elected for a term of one year.
   (G)   In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice- Chairperson shall preside and shall assume the duties of the Chairperson.
   (H)   The Chairperson shall appoint subcommittees with the advice and consent of the Commission.
   (I)   Members shall serve on one committee with the exception that the committee chairperson shall also serve on the Youth Commission Board.
   (J)   Each committee shall elect its own members, with final approval by the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
   (K)   Membership of this committee shall serve without remuneration, but can be reimbursed for personal expenses incurred in the performance of their duties if the expenses are approved by the Board of Trustees.
(`95 Code, § 32.47) (Ord. 78-9, passed 9-13-78)