§ 32.046 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of the Youth Commission is focused upon programs and activities of both prevention and diversion, and its functions include the following:
      (1)   To concern itself continuously with fact- finding and study in order to provide information about the nature and extent of our youth needs, and to suggest ways and means for remedial or preventive programs.
      (2)   To work with all agencies and organizations, both public and private, in the community which serve youth; to promote cooperative endeavor; and to improve interagency communication.
      (3)   To give careful consideration to the needs of youth which are not being met, and to implement a program of meeting such needs by expansion, realignment or development of new services.
      (4)   To conduct public education and information programs; to inform the community of youth needs; to encourage and mobilize citizens' interest and concern.
      (5)   To develop and maintain a working relationship with the Police Department to divert youth from the Juvenile Justice System, to make referrals to appropriate services, for the purpose of redirecting youth activities into constructive channels.
      (6)   To develop and maintain a direct tie with the community by engaging in community services and activities upon request.
   (B)   To attain these ends, the Youth Commission has established the following subcommittees:
      (1)   Survey;
      (2)   Youth Employment Opportunities;
      (3)   Recreational Services;
      (4)   Community Liaison;
      (5)   Police Liaison;
      (6)   Educational Services;
      (7)   Social Service Liaison; and
      (8)   Public Relations.
   (C)   The subcommittees shall be comprised of at least one Commissioner who will serve as Chairperson and other citizens of the village who have shown interest in the area to which the committee addresses itself. Subcommittees may change their title and purpose at any time, provided the purpose and tasks have been accomplished from the initial subcommittee. In the event of a change in subcommittees, final approval will be given by the Chairperson.
(`95 Code, § 32.46) (Ord. 78-9, passed 9-13-78)