(A)   Prior to execution of an order under the provisions of § 151.09, the Administrator shall cause not less than three photographs to be taken and processed which shall accurately identify the building, structure, or premises to be repaired, torn down, demolished, or removed and the geographic location of the same. The photographs shall be taken on or about the date upon which the Administrator issued his or her notice and order under § 151.05, and shall accurately portray the defects and conditions of the building, structure, or premises which render the same to be insecure, unsafe, structurally defective, or especially liable to fire, or which endanger health, life, or other buildings or property.
   (B)   The Administrator shall cause accurate records to be maintained which will enable identification to be made of the photographs referred to in division (A) hereof, the date and time taken, the person taking the same, witnesses to the taking, weather conditions, and other pertinent data.
   (C)   In lieu of photographs, the Administrator is authorized to utilize other visual means with a record thereof, which will permanently and accurately portray the condition and defects of the building, structure, or premises.
   (D)   The photographs or other visual means referred to in this section shall be submitted to Council prior to execution of any order to tear down, demolish, or remove under the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 61-04, passed 12-6-2004)