For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATOR. The Village Administrator or Mayor of the Municipality.
   DANGEROUS BUILDING. Any building, wall, shed, fence, or other human-made structure which is, in whole or part:
      (1)   Insecure, unsafe, structurally defective, and unsafe to health, life, and other property from any cause;
      (2)   Unsafe to the public health because of any condition which may cause or aid in the inception or spread of disease, or injury to the health of the occupants thereof or its neighboring structures; or
      (3)   Especially liable to fire, or maintains or creates a fire hazard to the premises or to adjoining property for any cause.
   DEMOLISH or DEMOLITION. The tearing down and removal, so as to require reassembly as new construction if rebuilt, of any dangerous building, shed, fence, or other human-made structure permanently affixed to the soil, whose original construction cost was $500 or more.
   ORDER. Any lawful order issued by the Administrative Administrator.
   ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION COST. The fair market value of the building or structure at the time of its original construction.
   PARTY WALL. A wall, part of a building, or fence constructed upon and straddling the common lot line between two adjoining properties under different ownership and serving both of the adjoining properties.
   PERMANENTLY AFFIXED TO THE SOIL. Construction or erection designed so as to not anticipate removal from the original site during the reasonable life of the building or structure.
   PERSON. Includes individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation, or other legal entity.
(Ord. 61-04, passed 12-6-2004)