(A)   Personal calls during working hours on any village telephone are discouraged; however, in the event of an emergency, calls will be accepted and the message delivered as quickly as possible.
   (B)   Cellular/radio devices and pagers shall be issued only to those employees with a demonstrated need for these types of communication. Cellular/radio devices and pagers shall be requested only by authorized personnel within departments. Employees who use a village issued cellular/radio device agree to the following rules of use:
      (1)   The use of a village cell phone for personal calls is strictly prohibited. Department supervisors shall monitor the use of village telecommunications equipment and report any violations to the Fiscal Officer or Mayor.
      (2)   Employees must safeguard any cellular/radio and pager equipment in their possession.
      (3)   The loss, or damage, of any cellular/radio device or pager equipment shall be reported to the employee's supervisor immediately. If theft is suspected, the Police should also be notified immediately and a police report must be completed.
      (4)   Using their cell phone is prohibited while driving. Unless utilizing a "hands-free" speakerphone option, employees shall stop their vehicle as soon as safely possible before using a cellular/radio device.
      (5)   Employees shall limit all cell calls to what is reasonably necessary to conduct village business.
      (6)   When an employee no longer has a demonstrated need for the cellular/radio device or pager, or when the employee terminates employment with any village department, that employee shall return any cellular/radio device and pager equipment to that department.
      (7)   Cost that is associated with excessive and/or personal costs that are not reimbursed by the employee may be considered theft and will result in appropriate corrective action.
      (8)   If an employee uses their personal phone to make personal calls, these calls shall be infrequent and of an emergency nature. Employees may bring camera phones into the workplace, but they are banned from using the camera feature except for official village use.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)