(A)   It is the policy of this village that all property of the village, including equipment, supplies, tools and certain saleable refuse is jointly owned by the residents of this village.
   (B)   Therefore, it follows that any property disposed of shall be done according to the laws of the State of Ohio and this policy of the village.
   (C)   Any surplus tools, equipment, supplies and saleable refuse including but not limited to wood, wood chips, paving bricks, etc. shall be disposed of in accordance with the appropriate procedure.
   (D)   In general, if the property or items to be disposed of has a market value in excess of $1,000 (per R.C. § 721.15) the sale of such items shall first be authorized by an ordinance approved by Village Council. The sale shall be to the highest bidder by public auction or by sealed bid. This sale will take place after proper advertisement of at least two weeks in a newspaper of general circulation. The village may also use the internet to post property listed for sale.
   (E)   If the fair market value is less than $1,000, the property may be disposed of by the Administrator by sale to anyone offering a fair and reasonable price for such property. Every effort shall be made to secure the best sale price for any property sold. Non-saleable items may be disposed of in any manner deemed appropriate by the Administrator.
   (F)   All funds received from the sale shall be paid to the Fiscal Officer with a proper receipt issued to the purchaser. With proof of purchase, proper arrangements for removal of the goods sold will be made with the Administrator or Mayor.
   (G)   Disposal or removal of surplus goods, equipment or refuse by any officer or employee of the village, except in conformance with this procedure, is a violation of village policy and may be construed to be a violation of Ohio Ethics laws regarding an unlawful interest in a public contract or theft in office. An exception to this policy is provided to the Police Department for disposition of seized property or evidence which has been released from custody which may be disposed of in accordance with specific directives provided under the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)