(A)   Complaints are important to the village administration, primarily because they indicate that the desired level of service to the community is not being performed. We, as employees of the village, are called upon to handle many complaints, and the manner in which we handle them may have far reaching results. By ignoring a complaint, an already bad situation may be aggravated; handled promptly and efficiently, the village's public relations with the citizens are improved for the betterment of all.
   (B)   When a citizen makes a complaint, it must be remembered; to them their problem is a real and important one, regardless of what you may think of it. It is our responsibility to treat the matter with this thought in mind.
   (C)   When handling complaints, be polite and firm but never become angry or argue with the complainant, even if he/she is unreasonable, angry and insulting toward you and the village. You should not take their comments personally - always say "we" instead of "I." Some suggestions for handling an unreasonable person are:
      (1)   Let the person talk himself/herself out. After a complainant tells you what is on his/her mind, he/she may calm down and listen to what you have to say.
      (2)   In your friendliest manner, tell the complainant that you are sorry that he/she has not received the services they need; do not try to excuse or justify the actions of the village or yourself.
      (3)   Offer to do what you can to solve the caller's problems. If he/she wants to see the Mayor or Administrator, try to schedule this for them. This is no reflection on your own ability, and may go far in calming the complainant down.
      (4)   Assure the complainant of the good will of the village, and when the conversation is ended, thank them for calling.
      (5)   Follow-up on all complaints defining the problem and what action was taken. Notify the appropriate department supervisor of the nature of the complaint and the relative urgency to resolve the complaint. It is important that this stage be in written form in case reference is made to the problem at a later date.
      (6)   Finally, notify the complainant as to what action has been, or will be taken regarding their complaint.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)