In the event you are involved in a collision while driving a village vehicle:
   (A)   Call local law enforcement for a police report.
   (B)   Obtain names and addresses of any witnesses, any injured person, driver of the other vehicle, and owner of the other vehicle.
   (C)   Do not commit yourself as to responsibility.
   (D)   Do not authorize any repairs to other vehicles.
   (E)   Give the information in division (B) of this section to the Mayor or Village Administrator. Prepare a written report of the collision and indicate the serial number, year and make of the vehicle. Promptness in reporting to the insurance company is important.
   (F)   Prepare an accident report which should include (the Police Department has the appropriate forms):
      (1)   Serial number, make and type of village-owned vehicle;
      (2)   Driver's name and home address;
      (3)   Location, time and date of collision;
      (4)   Name and address of person(s) involved or witnesses;
      (5)   Name of law enforcement officer who visited the accident scene;
      (6)   Name and address of owner and license number of other vehicle involved;
      (7)   Nature and details of the collision.
      (8)   If you have access to a camera, photograph damage to each vehicle involved.
   (G)   If anyone was injured in the collision, or the damage to either automobile was in excess of $1,000, you are required to file a Motor Vehicle Accident Report with the State of Ohio. The Police Department has the appropriate forms.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)