(A)   An employee authorized by the Mayor and/or Administrator to travel on official business may be reimbursed for the actual, reasonable, and necessary expenses incurred for lodging.
      (1)   All employees must have prior approval by the appropriate department head.
      (2)   The Fiscal Officer, Village Administrator and Chief of Police must have prior approval by the Mayor.
   (B)   The maximum allowable reimbursement for meals is $10 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, and $20 for supper, unless meal functions are included, in which case the actual cost of the meal function will be reimbursed.
   (C)   A village supplied vehicle shall be the preferred method for village employees to travel on official village business. When a village vehicle is not available, employees will be reimbursed for use of their personal vehicle at the maximum rate which Internal Revenue Service allows as a business travel expense deduction for federal income tax purposes. Employees will also be reimbursed for actual necessary and reasonable miscellaneous expenses such as registration, tolls or parking.
   (D)   Receipts for all actual expense must be secured and presented to your supervisor and/or Finance Director for approval of payment. Internal Revenue Service regulations will determine whether any reimbursement constitutes taxable or non-taxable income.
   (E)   No reimbursements shall be made for the purchase of any alcoholic beverages. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed during the period that an employee is on the clock.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)