(A)   Promotions. Promotions are made from within the organization when it is both reasonable and prudent. However, it is in the village's best interests to hire or promote the most qualified person available. Work experience, formal education and special training will be qualifying factors.
   (B)   Bulletin boards. The bulletin boards, located in various places in the Village Hall, are for your general information. Check bulletin boards daily and stay alert for notices of interest and of activities. Anything which would generally be considered obscene or contrary to the policies of the village may not be posted on any bulletin board.
   (C)   Personal mail. Employees shall not have personal mail delivered to the Village Hall except upon approval by their supervisor. All mail addressed to and received by the village will be considered business mail and may be opened by other village employees.
   (D)   Timesheets/activity logs. Employees must maintain daily time sheets and activity logs as provided by the village accurately documenting work start times and ending times as well as the nature of the work activities during each shift. These records must be reviewed and approved by the department supervisor prior to submission to the Fiscal Officer for payroll calculation. Incomplete time sheets or time sheets with major errors or omissions may result in a delay in calculation of a paycheck for the employee in question. Please make sure your time sheets are accurate and complete. Making alterations or entries on another person's time sheets is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Falsification of your personal time sheet is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)