(A)   Health insurance coverage is provided for full-time employees and their dependents. Enrollment forms are available from the Fiscal Officer and shall be completed upon date of hire for insurance to become effective upon the first day of work.
   (B)   The village reserves the right to require employees to contribute a share of the cost of the insurance premiums based on market conditions and the village's financial resources. Each employee on the village’s health insurance shall contribute 15% of each individual's monthly premium per pay.
   (C)   Health insurance and employee group life insurance coverage ends immediately upon separation from village employment or upon the due date of the next premium payment unless otherwise negotiated.
   (D)   Life insurance. The village provides a group life insurance policy ($40,000) for each full-time employee and for each part-time employee who regularly works more than 20 hours per week. Premiums will be paid by the village.
   (E)   Health reimbursement account. For each full-time employee that participates in the village's health insurance there is money put in the account for them. If an employee is on a single policy they get $1,500, employee + 1 $1,750, family $2,000 per calendar year. When an employee joins the village's health insurance the money will not be put in the HRA account until one year after their hire date. One year after their hire date the money will be prorated for that year and then the following they will get the full amount. If an employee does not use any of the HRA money in a year's time, the remaining balance will be rolled into the next year. An employee can only carry a maximum balance in their HRA up to the said employee's deductible amount for their health insurance.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)