(A) All full-time employees are entitled to the following paid holidays, also holidays are paid to the Administrator and part-time office personnel when the holiday falls on a scheduled work day.
New Year's Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
(B) If a holiday falls on a Saturday, then it will be observed on the preceding Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday.
(C) In observance of each authorized holiday, employees will normally be granted the day off from work. Full-time employees shall receive eight hours' straight time pay for each authorized holiday. Employees on alternative work schedules, such as the Utilities Department or Police Department shall be paid accordingly.
(D) When a full-time employee is required to work on the day observed as a holiday, he/she shall be entitled to pay for such time actually worked at one and one-half times his/her regular base rate of pay.
(E) If a holiday occurs while an employee is on vacation, that day will not be charged against the employee's leave (i.e., one day off with pay, as if not on vacation).
(F) Employees must be in active duty status the day before and the day after the holiday and at the commencement of the holiday in order to receive holiday pay unless on approved scheduled leave.
(G) Upon the request of the supervisor, an employee must produce a satisfactory physician's statement to verify any use of sick leave on the day before or the day after a holiday. Failure to produce such a requested statement may result in denial of both holiday and sick leave pay and such disciplinary action as may be appropriate.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)