(A) Your immediate supervisor will see that you are acquainted with your fellow employees and informed of the duties and responsibilities of your job. He/she will be available to answer questions, offer advice and to inform you of your work progress. You should also receive any specific rules/regulations regarding your specific job, starting and ending times for your shift, and forms for recording work time, work logs, and any other required documents that you may be expected to maintain and file. The first 90 calendar days of employment shall be considered an orientation/probation period during which you have an opportunity to acclimate yourself to your job and your fellow employees, and it gives your supervisor an opportunity to observe your work habits, skills, and suitability for your job. At the end of the orientation period, or sooner, your performance will be evaluated by your supervisor. This evaluation will be reviewed with you and your supervisor may offer suggestions of how your performance can be improved. Your supervisor will submit one of the following recommendations:
(1) Retain as permanent employee;
(2) Extension of orientation period for no more than 90 calendar days; or
(3) Unsuited for employment.
(B) While full-time and part-time permanently appointed sworn police officers are entitled to continuing employment once they have completed their probationary period and can be removed only for just cause, other employees of the village have no guarantee of permanent employment. Such employees work at the pleasure of Village Council and nothing in this handbook shall be construed to create any right to permanent or continuing employment of any other village employee. The general law of Ohio as it applies to village employees pertains in Bellville and nothing in this handbook shall be construed to create any property right or expectancy of continued employment for village employees except that provided by law for full-time and part-time permanently appointed sworn police officers. No employee or official of this village is authorized to change this policy or otherwise promise any employee a position for a specific period of time. This policy does not apply to auxiliary police officers.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)