(A)   Should an employee wish to resign and the village requests sufficient notice to fill the vacated position. For clerical and non-professional positions, this will be two week's notice which does not include scheduled time off; for professional and supervisory personnel this will be a minimum of one month. Final paychecks will be issued on the next scheduled pay day following the last day worked.
   (B)   Employees who are discharged will be notified of such discharge in person by their immediate supervisor and/or the Mayor. The employee shall be asked to turn in all village property and to leave their workplace immediately after termination. No advance notice of discharge, or salary in lieu thereof, will be given the employee whose conduct jeopardizes the work of the village. Should it become necessary to discharge an employee, his/her check will be ready on the next payroll processing date after discharge, and will only be issued upon surrender of all village owned property, uniforms or equipment.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)