(A)   All disciplinary action involving reduction, suspension or removal of any employee shall be subject to a pre-disciplinary conference before the Mayor prior to formal disciplinary action. The Fiscal Officer or the Village Administrator will be asked to serve as a witness in this process.
   (B)   At this pre-disciplinary conference, the employee is entitled to have a representative or an attorney present at his/her own expense to respond to the notice of the charges against them and a statement of the evidence supporting the charges. An employee shall be granted an opportunity to respond in person, or through an attorney, or in writing to any charges.
   (C)   Within 14 days following the pre-disciplinary conference, the Mayor shall implement the appropriate disciplinary action, and will issue a final written decision to the employee. In matters of discipline of police officers, the procedures of the Ohio Revised Code shall be followed.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)