The use of village vehicles is intended for employees only. Under special or emergency conditions, the Mayor or Village Administrator may temporarily waive this regulation. Employees may not use MOTORIZED equipment belonging to the village for personal use.
   (A)   Village owned tools and equipment that is NOT MOTORIZED may be borrowed for personal use with prior approval by the Administrator or the Mayor and approval by that department supervisor that would have normal control of such equipment. A request form must be filled out and approved prior to said use providing a complete list of any borrowed tools or equipment and the specific dates, times and locations they will be used. The employee accepts complete financial responsibility for any repairs or damage to such tools and equipment while they are being used for personal purposes.
   (B)   The village's insurance for vehicle and equipment and general liability does not extend coverage while village equipment is being used for personal use.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018)