(A)   Pay periods. The employee of the village shall be paid every two weeks by Friday, with department heads approving and submitting time sheets to the Administrator or Mayor for the pay period by 9:00 a.m. on the Monday immediately preceding each payday. Should a payday fall on a holiday, the payday will move to the day before the holiday.
   (B)   Elected officials, including Council Members, zoning inspectors, and members of the Cemetery Board, shall be paid monthly except as determined by separate contract.
   (C)   Overtime, non-exempt. Supervisors will be accountable for controlling overtime situations and the associated expense. Whenever possible, work schedules shall be adjusted to avoid or reduce routine overtime work. In situations where unexpected changes in workload require additional hours mandated by the supervisor, overtime hours may be authorized.
   (D)   Overtime work shall, whenever possible, be on a voluntary basis, however an employee's supervisor, or the supervisor's designee, reserves the right to require any employee to work extra hours when the need arises. All overtime must be authorized by the appropriate department head or the Mayor or Administrator.
   (E)   Scheduled hours.
      (1)   The current weekly payroll period shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday and continue for seven consecutive days to end at 12:00 midnight the following Sunday. Department heads shall establish the appropriate work schedule for their department, in consideration of public service, workload, and operational needs after approval by the Administrator or Mayor.
      (2)   All employees working a full work shift will, to the extent practicable, receive a meal period that is normally one unpaid half hour, except those working in the Police Department. Designated lunch periods are not compensated as work time; therefore, employees shall be relieved from work for that time period. Employees shall not waive/forfeit their meal or break periods to reduce their workday or work week.
      (3)   With the exception of employees exempt from overtime according to the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees shall be entitled to overtime compensation at the rate of one and one-half hours for each hour worked in excess of 40 hours or other permitted work schedule in the designated work week. For purposes of calculating overtime pay, sick leave shall be excluded if taken within 24 hours of the overtime opportunity.
      (4)   Compensatory time may be granted to nonexempt employees only in lieu of cash for any overtime worked. Compensatory time is accrued at a rate of one and one-half time basis, and may be used at a time mutually convenient to the employee and the village. Employees may "bank" compensatory time, but under no circumstances shall an employee "bank" more than 80 hours of unused compensatory time without the approval of the Village Administrator or Mayor. Any remaining compensatory time up to 80 hours shall be paid the first pay of December of each calendar year. Any overtime earned after the compensatory payout in the current year will be paid as overtime.
      (5)   Whenever a nonexempt employee is called into work at a time other than his/her planned work schedule, thereby necessitating additional travel to and from work, he/she shall be guaranteed two hours of pay. Utility Department employees required to perform weekend checks and sampling shall be compensated for a minimum of two hours for each day, or for actual hours worked, whichever is greater.
      (6)   During any given work week, a supervisor may alter an employee's schedule, hour for hour, to avoid the employee working in excess of the regular scheduled work week of 40 hours.
      (7)   Village employees shall not serve as a volunteer for the same job in which he/she is employed full time by the village.
      (8)   Break periods shall be granted only at the discretion of the supervisor and may be granted only to the extent practicable without interference with normal work operations.
      (9)   In order to avoid undue hardship on employees, advance notice of schedule changes will be given whenever possible. You are expected to be at your assigned job punctually at starting time and remain until proper quitting time.
(Ord. 49-2017, passed 11-21-2017; Ord. 42-2018, passed 10-16-2018; Ord. 13-2021, passed 4-6-2021)