(A) The Mayor shall take the chair at the hour appointed for Council meetings to commence and shall call the meeting to order. The roll call shall be the first item on the agenda, and the Fiscal Officer shall call the roll and enter the names of those present into the minutes. Motions to excuse absent members of Council may be made at this time.
(B) In the absence of a quorum, the members may, by a majority vote, take a recess and direct the Fiscal Officer to attempt to procure the attendance of absent members.
(C) In the absence of the Mayor, the President pro tempore of Council shall call the meeting to order and assume the chair. In the absence of both the Mayor and President pro tempore of Council, the Fiscal Officer may call the meeting to order and call the roll. If a quorum is present, Council may proceed and select, by a majority vote, one of its members to act as temporary Chairperson for that meeting only.
(D) The Mayor may call his or her successor to preside at the meeting during his or her temporary absence, but the substitution shall not extend beyond adjournment.
(E) The official Council agenda shall include copies of all legislation to be considered by Council that evening along with any other written reports or other documents requiring official Council action. The order of Council business shall be as follows:
(1) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance;
(2) Roll call (to determine quorum);
(3) Excuse absent Council members;
(4) Establish time for adjournment;
(5) Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s). If minutes were mailed 24 hours before meeting, minutes may not need to be read, except if there is a motion for Fiscal Officer to read minutes approved by a majority vote of those present;
(6) Communications from village residents;
(7) Reports from administrative staff:
(a) Mayor;
(b) Village Administrator;
(c) Finance Director;
(d) Village Engineer; and
(e) Village Solicitor.
(8) Reports from standing committees and approval of committee minutes;
(9) Pending legislation;
(10) Old business;
(11) New business; and
(12) Motion to adjourn.
(Res. 08-45, passed 12-29-2008)